size: 76”x20”21” (upper part)
medium: wire mesh, steel wires, metal found objects, grid squares, chains, paint, glue
I chose the use of humble materials such as wire mesh, rusty metal and found objects, to express the beauty of imperfection and the idea that everyone can contribute to life.
The upper part of the Universal Chimney is a four legged found object standing upside down; shown inside is a group of semi abstract semitransparent humans in grey smoke color, their hands are raised with no chance to escape, as well as three smaller groups depicting human shells in red all trapped together on top of wire mesh in shapes and colors that reminiscent of flames and ashes.
The lower part of the Universal Chimney is a metal found object divided by three grid squares, giving the feeling of organized space, in contrast to the flowing forms of the upper part. Two squares are broken- a hint to past fight or resistance but the upper square is a flat, straight and silent cover. Inside, a solid red square attached to a tube with grey flame swirling towards the upper part of chimney. The red square is connected with chain to the chimney’s base that looks as an empty cage with no windows no doors.

size: 80”x 28”x 27”
medium: Metal found object, wire mesh, steel wires, plastic covered electric wires, pipe cleaners, 6 Shabbat candles, 1 memory candle, red wax, chains, nail, paint and glue
My mother’s family name: GELB shaped as a gate, the letters G-E-L-B, covered with black and brown pipe cleaners sits on top of a wire found object, six steel wires shaped as the names of my mother’s lost family swirling like smoke on the outside of the chimney. Inside is a group of the same names made of electric wires covered with light grey plastic, the names outside the chimney are divided to two groups by gender (as in the camps) females: LEAH, TZIPI & ETI, males: ARIE, ELI & MOSHE; the names are multiplied by their shadows on the wall, turning into names of more innocent victims. Inside: a semi abstract swivel of a airy woman’s shell in red hanging on a hook, like a piece of meat. Inside the lower part, a smaller version of “Shabbat candles convert to a memory candle” on a wire-mesh lace tablecloth.

FIRE FLOWERS Series of 3 (2013, 2014)
Fire Flowers -Flames (2014): Size: 17”x 21”x 21”
Fire Flowers -Red (2013): Size: 22”x 26”x 26” /
Fire Flowers - Ashes(2014) Size: 10”x 22”x 22” wire mesh, steel wires, powder coat, paint, glue
From first sight one sees three large freestanding wire mesh flowers. A closer look reveals that the center looks like a group of squeezed semi abstract figures. Fire Flowers1 the center is completely red, Fire Flowers-2 is silver with red wire mesh flames, the colors of Fire Flowers3 are rust, brown and black. The shapes around the figures resemble leaves, weeds, waves or birds that are turning their beads to the other side, refusing to look at it. The nature is in shock from human’s cruelty

size: 28”x23”x5"
medium: wire mesh with mixed media relief
The central image in wire mesh relief “The Separation” is a semi abstract woman holding two young children in her hands surrounded by human shadows; a bending figure is separated from them by a torn wire mesh that looks like an open wound. Torn wire mesh is a reminder of families that were torn apart and my symbol to “Kriah” (tearing in Hebrew) an old Jewish act of tearing one’s clothe as an expression of grief done at the funeral home.
My mother was 18 years old on the day she was saying goodbye for the last time to her mother. In 1944 Jews from Czechoslovakia were squeezed on the train leading to Auschwitz, my mother with her parents and 4 siblings altogether for the last time as a family. In Auschwitz men were separated from women and were arranged in 2 rows. My mother was sent to the line of life, her mother decided to stay with her youngest daughters until the last minute of their life, embracing her 6 and 12 years old daughters while her eyes separating from her older daughter; Unforgettable moment of heart broken Motherhood and Separation, the moment between life and death… My mother was the only survivor of her family.