medium: white candles, red wax, steel wire, red plastic covered electric wires, metal, aluminum sheets, crystal stones, black &colored triangle cloth paint
6 large, white candles stand on 4 aluminum squares on top of a black wood rectangle; the upper part of each candle is covered with dripping red wax. 6 electric wires covered with red plastic emerge from the red wax swirling in shapes of 6 names of my mother’s family members who did not survive: Her sisters Eti & Tzipi, mother Leah, father Arie and brothers Eli & Moshe. The shadows on the wall are creating more names of many other innocent victims (the candles also looks like exploding dynamite bombs causing a bloody murder…)
In front of the candles are 6 black triangles and 9 colored triangles; I view the black triangles as shadows of the Holocaust badges. 6 crystal stones are attached to each of the black triangles, associating with tears, something precious and stones that we put on graves. The colored triangles are in memory of prisoners of different backgrounds, many of who were not Jews and had to wear the colored badges to indicate what they were there for; each color for another “crime”
(2014) Size: 57”x24”x20”
Medium: broken lamps’ pieces, Found objects, wire mesh, chain, steel wires, candles, red wax, pipe cleaners, stone, glue, paint,
An old looking Shabbat Menorah on reused metal table. 6 white candles dripping bloody-red wax, on a memory candle in the center which is covered with red wax.The black wire mesh tablecloth (instead of the white cloth used on Shabbat) is torn in 6 places, a symbol to “Kriah” (tearing in Hebrew) Jewish act of tearing a shirt in funerals as an expression of grief for a family member who passed away. The Number 6 is in memory of the 6 million Jews who perished. The stone placed under the table, a symbol to stones put on graves.
Shabbat, a Holy day, starts on Friday evening, Jewish mothers lights white candles in a Shabbat Menorah, Jewish usually
greet each other: 'Shabbat Shalom' - in Hebrew-means: Peaceful good Shabbat. During the Holocaust there was neither good nor Shabbat; families were torn apart, imprisoned in concentration camps, with no candles to light or a family to sit with. Too many memory candles are lit since WWII, millions of Jews that don’t have graves, deserve to be remembered!
medium: used metal hangers, metal rings, steel wires, wire mesh, old photographs, paint
A golden mobile that is not supposed to be hung on top of a child’s bed… In memory of 1.500.000 Innocent Jewish Children that were Murdered in the SHOAH - the HOLOCAUST during The Second World War – WWII (1939-1945)
Inside the 4 upper rings are photos of young children- my mother's siblings that perished,
on one side her sisters Tzipi & Eti and on the other-her brothers Eli & Moshe.
All the other golden and silver rings are empty chimes, representing the lost children that don’t even have a photograph to remember them by…
Inside each of the 7 colorful triangles is one number and together it becomes1.500.000. For The ONE AND A HALF MILLION JEWISH CHILDREN !

Six semitransparent wire mesh reliefs hanging on the wall, describing semi abstract figures that are human shells, painted silver, white and grey, a feeling of lightness, clouds, smoke or spirits appearing and disappearing in the air, accompanied by shadows... each attached to steel wires reminding heart beat graph.
We will never forget- we are surrounded by memories in the air everywhere.

Teenagers Journey to Poland is an activity in the Israeli education system teaching the Holocaust. During the remembrance ceremony In Auschwitz the students all wear the same sweatshirt specially designed differently each year. I used 3 sweatshirts that were given to family members on their trip. One of my son, whose certificate is attached (it was 50 years to Israel) it reads: “only the stones here are left to remind of the communities buried underneath them”, “This certificate is for Amir Weinberg who participated in the Roots Journey to Poland and Czechoslovakia March 1998“ “I vowed the vow to remember everything, TO REMEMBER, and nothing to forget”. Second shirt is of my daughter Yael, who made the adjacent poster of my mother’s photos, and the third is of my niece Ayelet.
The base of Trip to the Memory is a cage with the Hebrew letter ‘Alef’-A- from “Auschwitz”, made of rectangles, looks like burned coal; surrounds red burned pipe cleaners (material I used to write ”Birkenau”). In the middle, the 3 shirts hanging on metal hangers are connected to each other in Togetherness, surrounds by red spirals. On the top are 3 stars, the back is a symbol of the black dirty past, that will always stay as a our shadow, the middle is the proud blue Star of David from the present Israeli flag, and the front star is made of red hangers.